

Chloé Fredy bottle bag Chloé Fredy bottle bag 水樽袋

Chloé Fredy bottle bag HK$5,000

Chloé這個水樽袋用上跟Chloé Woody手袋一樣的帆布物料,圈著水樽口的皮繩細節位也很漂亮!

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Fendi Stainless-steel bottle and FF-logo leather case水樽袋

Fendi Stainless-steel bottle and FF-logo leather case HK$4,600

除了FF logo的皮套水樽袋之外,銀色水樽蓋刻印上的FF字樣也十分吸睛!

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Burberry logo-print ECONYL® water bottle holder水樽袋

Burberry logo-print ECONYL® water bottle holder HK$4,200


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Loewe Paula's Ibiza X SIGG shells-print metal water bottle 水樽

Loewe Paula's Ibiza X SIGG shells-print metal water bottle HK$1,900

Loewe每年都會與Paula's Ibiza合作推出的新系列,這個粉紅色水樽更是與瑞士水樽品牌SIGG合作的出品,加上印有LOEWE的皮製手挽,細緻度滿分。

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Adidas By Stella Mccartney Zebra-print metal water bottle 水樽

Adidas By Stella McCartney Zebra-print metal water bottle HK$367

嫌之前介紹的水樽太「天價」,不妨考慮Adidas By Stella McCartney這個水樽,斑馬紋為銀色水樽增添點綴。

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