†Medical Insight, Inc 2022. Cosmetic Neurotoxin Market Study. January 2022. Based on worldwide neurotoxins 2021 (in sales value). §Allergan Aesthetics. Data on File. REF-108642. JUVÉDERM®, the world’s leading brand of hyaluronic acid facial fillers claim. References: 1. Allergan. Unpublished Data. INT-JUV-1950127. VYCROSS® – longest duration of hyaluronic acid facial filler in clinical trials. Jan 2020; 2. Hee CK et al. Dermatol Surg. 2015;41(Suppl 1):S373–81; 3. BOTOX® Prescribing Information. HK-41906. May 2013. BOTOX®保妥適® (Botulinum Toxin Type A) 藥品註冊編號: HK-41906. Juvéderm® (Hyaluronic Acid Gel with Lidocaine) 產品系列包括VOLUX™ (HKMD-190341), VOLUMA® (HKMD-100411), VOLIFT® (HKMD-130324), VOLBELLA® (HKMD-210451) 及VOLITE™ (HKMD-180040). 療程效果因人而異。療程後如有任何不良反應,請即向醫生查詢 。All adverse events should be reported to drugsafety.pv@abbvie.com. Allergan Aesthetics, an AbbVie company. Suite 2404-08, 24/F, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2610 2525. HK-BCT-230069 | 26/OCT/23
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