相信不少女生都在尋找一支完美的眼線筆,看到網上的KOL手拿著的廣告照覺得太hard sell?這個真實用家分享就絕對信得過!美國一名少女Shelby Pagan上年因為車禍入院,面上流血、眼睫毛也化掉,唯獨眼線依然完好無缺,令人不禁好奇她究竟用的是哪一個品牌的眼線筆?
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days and I am sorry I don't have a funny caption for you today. On Wednesday June 28th I was parked on the side of a highway, with my hazards on, calling for roadside assistance because I ran out of gas. While on the phone for help I was hit by a driver going 56pmh. I was treated in the ER for a cervical strain, closed head injury, knee contusion and forehead lacerations. I consider myself lucky to have walked away from the accident relatively unhurt and alive. The reason the other driver hit me is still not known. But I have my life and am surrounded by such great friends, coworkers and family. Mahalo nui loa to the paramedics, doctors and everyone else who helped me. A post shared by Shelby (@coffeecatsandcusswords) on Jun 29, 2017 at 4:48pm PDTbeauty眼線就是生命!《黑白大廚》港式點心女王鄭智善連倒垃圾都要畫眼線、每次要用5支眼線筆?最強不暈染眼線筆推介2024beauty香港@cosme上半年人氣賞排行榜出爐!$72美白收毛孔面膜上榜、第1位眼線筆持久不暈妝?
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days and I am sorry I don't have a funny caption for you today. On Wednesday June 28th I was parked on the side of a highway, with my hazards on, calling for roadside assistance because I ran out of gas. While on the phone for help I was hit by a driver going 56pmh. I was treated in the ER for a cervical strain, closed head injury, knee contusion and forehead lacerations. I consider myself lucky to have walked away from the accident relatively unhurt and alive. The reason the other driver hit me is still not known. But I have my life and am surrounded by such great friends, coworkers and family. Mahalo nui loa to the paramedics, doctors and everyone else who helped me.
A post shared by Shelby (@coffeecatsandcusswords) on Jun 29, 2017 at 4:48pm PDT
原來她用的正是美國化妝品牌Kat Von D的皇牌眼線筆Tattoo Eyeliner,車禍後她就到品牌的官網留言大讚好用,入了急症室8小時後依然沒有掉色,還說不會再光顧其他品牌。最近她的評留言被網民發現並放到twitter分享,隨即惹來熱烈討論,有多達61萬讚好和23萬轉發,認真厲害。
Kat Von D有香港沒有專櫃,有興趣的話可在Sephora網店(不過眼線筆暫時缺貨)或找代購購買。如果買不到的話,以下也是編輯心水的高持久度眼線筆推介:
Maybelline Hyper Sharp Liner 超銳目精緻眼線筆 HK$85
CLIO Waterproof Pen Liner Kill Black XP黑煞防水自動眼線液 HK$140
Make Up For Ever AQUA XL INK LINER 高效防水眼線液 HK$200